CS373 Spring 2021 Week 11: Joshua Skadberg
2 min readApr 12, 2021
- What did you do this past week?
This past week I worked a lot on my cs371p project, as well as writing an essay for one of my other classes. I have been having trouble finishing the project for cs371p because it is very lengthy. I am also working on implementing searching and filtering for my cs373 class as well. Other than that was just the usual of attending class and doing homework. - What’s in your way?
These projects take a lot of work and time, a lot more than they seem to need. It is strange that for cs371p, the ranking is medium. I guess it is just the default. For cs373, we ran into some issues using news stories as models because it does not have enough parameters. We either need to fill out metadata manually, or switch to a new model, both requiring a lot of work. - What will you do next week?
The next week I should be finished with my cs371p project hopefully, and I will be working on implementing searching and filtering for cs373 as well. - If you read it, what did you think of the Why getter and setter methods are evil?
I have never been taught that getters and setters are evil, and I have seen them used quite often on youtube. I will try to avoid them more often, but it will be a new style of programming that I will have to get used to. I normally don’t use them that much anyway, but it will be tricky to avoid them entirely. - What was your experience of select, project, cross join and theta join? (this question will vary, week to week)
I have never really coded this way in pyhon before, so I will not be an expert with them immediately. It will require practice to get them down. - What made you happy this week?
I have been spending more time with my family, even if it just working near them more, so it has made me happier in the week. - What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
I don’t know if I’ve talked about this before, but HEB’s sweetened sparkling water is a great beverage, plus it won’t rot your teeth like regular soda.