CS 371p Spring 2021 Week 14: Joshua Skadberg

Josh Skadberg
2 min readMay 3, 2021


  • What did you do this past week?
    This past week I had a lot of assignments to do. Most of the time I spent on my cs371p project. Working with a partner has been really helpful because we catch each other’s bugs, as well as it helps me keep focused. I also worked on a project for my SDS class, office hours proved very useful. I have also had a bit of trouble trying to work on my software engineering project, but I believe I found some resources that will help me a lot out.
  • What’s in your way?
    The things in my way currently are these projects, as well as a lot of deadlines. The semester is ending very soon, so there’s a lot of other stuff to do for school other than the projects. It is difficult to manage so many things happening, and I am not sure on how to keep track of everything. I am one of those types that keeps things in my head, but that falls off fast.
  • What will you do next week?
    This next week, I will be completing all the final projects, so it is a very grindy time. However, knowing that the semester is ending soon and all of the stress will be over fills me with determination.
  • If you read it, what did you think of the The Joel Test?
    I thought it was interesting and very useful. However, I cannot apply any of these things just yet because I have not started my internship yet. I hope there’s one of these rules for students perhaps, but I don’t think it will be that worth to create.
  • What was your experience of Replace Type Code with State/Strategy (227)? (this question will vary, week to week)
    This is brand new to me, and I don’t think I have thought about these things before.
  • What made you happy this week?
    It rained a lot this week, which after a lot of dry spells is a breath of fresh air. It was very relaxing to do work while rain sounds happened in the background.
  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
    Adding hazelnut oil to coffee really boosts its flavor, and I highly recommend you try it out next time you make a cup of joe.

